Saturday, December 18, 2010

INsPiRED or not INsPiRED

was chosen as one of the 10 finalist (10 of 69 participants) with my "A New Beginning" comic, so i'm gonna show you the process of work.

-For the begineing when i felt like i have a story i made some fast doodles for the main character:

-After i could get the idea of how the main character looks i started to sketch the pages so i could get the idea of how the panels will look like and how will they fit in the page. This ones are very veri small just enough to handle the page composition:

- After finishing this stage i went on a biger page and pencil everithing out, then inking, then scanning and colloring on the computer. And this is how it turned out:

Well this is it, did't get a prise, but i saw some genius pieces that didn't get prises either, GOD knows why...
Here they are: Negura Nicolae and Badea Andra vary vary nice work! Good work guys!!!
Oh, and this is me, almost forgot :P